
David Dvořák is just behind the TOP 10 fighters in flyweight in 11th place. The fighter from Hradec Králové manage to rise through the ranks and climbed from 14th to 11th in his weight after his second outing in the most prestigious MMA organisation in the world. He shares the 11th position with the Brazilian fighter Raulian Paiva. He moved up after his fight with Jordan Espinosa in Las Vegas. „This fight can take me forward in my career,“ knew Dvořák before the fight with the thirteenth man of the standings. This win marked his 15th one in a row.

Dvořák defeated his opponent by a very dominant performance and showed the potential to rise through the ranks even higher. „My name, as well as the whole Czech MMA, is getting more and more attention,“ said Dvořák, who scored his second UFC win in a row. From the Czech point of view, Dvořák is one of the best fighters there, thanks to his 100% record.

In the upcoming, third fight, the Undertaker will likely face a fighter from a higher position. We can only speculate as to who is it going to be and when will the fight take place. The twenty-eight-year-old fighter has returned to the Czech Republic and has yet to recover from his wounds, which he suffered while fighting the two years older Espinosa. Apart from the lacerated wound under his left eye, his right leg was also treated in the Las Vegas hospital as he injured it while fighting. „I was just going for it. After the fight, I almost couldn’t walk, “ Dvořák described. This tactic undoubtedly helped him to achieve his victory. All three judges proclaimed him as the winner.

David will now focus on regenerating and will slowly return to training afterwards. He will also attend some social events. „Thank you all for your support,“ said Dvořák.